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  • Cantonal Court in Livno

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    Court departments

    Duties and tasks in competence of the court shall be carried out within the basic organisational units, namely the following:

    1. judiciary department and
    2. court management department.



    Judiciary department consists of:

    • Criminal division and
    • Civil division

    Within the Criminal division of the court the following activities shall be carried out:

    • first and second-instance adjudication in criminal cases and cases of economic offences,
    • providing of international criminal-law assistance for extradition of the accused and convicted persons,
    • monitoring and studying of the social relations and phenomena of importance for the functioning of the court, the jurisprudence and the problems of judicial work which are of interest for correct and uniform application of Law,
    • other activities prescribed by Law and other regulations.

    These activities shall be carried out through the following divisions:

    • Preliminary proceedings division,
    • Preliminary hearing division,
    • First-instance criminal division and
    • Second-instance criminal division.

    Within the Civil division of the court the following activities shall be carried out:

    • first-instance adjudication in administrative disputes,
    • second-instance civil adjudication,
    • recognition of decisions of foreign courts,
    • monitoring and studying of the social relations and phenomena of importance for the functioning of the court, the jurisprudence and the problems of judicial work which are of interest for correct and uniform application of Law,
    • other activities prescribed by Law and other regulations.

    These activities shall be carried out through the following divisions:

    • second-instance civil division,
    • administrative disputes division.



    The Court management department shall manage activities to ensure:

    • conditions for proper functioning and operating of the court,
    • preparation of cases for trial,
    • keeping of personal documentation,
    • keeping of prescribed records and auxiliary books,
    • keeping of court statistics and production of court reports,
    • issuing of appropriate certificates,
    • verification of documents intended for use abroad,
    • receiving and sending of mail,
    • archives activities,
    • performing of typing activities,
    • performing labour relations activities,
    • performing public procurement activities,
    • collection and control of collection of court fees,
    • taking care of the technical maintenance of court premises and equipment, transport of judges and court officials,
    • direct organization of work in all activities in the court registry,
    • exercising of overall control of documents and files that are dispatched from court,
    • realization of permanent control of detained persons’ records updating,
    • production of annual information on court operations based on reports of judges and records of attendance,
    • daily monitoring of execution of duties and tasks concerning of files and submissions of an urgent nature,
    • verification of transcripts - acts concerning of court operations,
    • keeping records of norms of judges in qualitative and quantitative sense,
    • keeping records of cases delivered to the Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina on various bases (appeals, revisions, requests for delegation of jurisdiction, etc.),
    • keeping records of returned cases from the Supreme Court of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina,
    • keeping records of cases transferred to the jurisdiction of other courts, records of cases delivered to the jurisdiction of this court, as well as records of cases delivered to court experts,
    • preparing reports with data necessary for monitoring of court operations (monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports),
    • archives activities,
    • preparation of drafts and proposals of general and individual acts of the court,
    • production of information and analysis,
    • providing of direct support to ICT users in this court,
    • procurement, installation, configuration and maintenance of ICT equipment (hardware),
    • activities of procurement, installation, configuration and use of system and application programs and databases (software),
    • resolving of server and network problems,
    • providing of secure access and use of local ICT equipment,
    • issuing of regular reports to the HJPC on the condition and usage of IC technologies in the covered area, with special remarks on observed problems and ways of solving,
    • providing of second level support to the municipal courts in the area of this court, as well as to the Cantonal Prosecutor’s Office in resolving of server, network and other ICT problems, upon request of the person responsible for ICT activities in the municipal courts and cantonal prosecutor’s office (LITS) persons,
    • management of audio and visual equipment,
    • proposing of measures for improving of court operations,
    • court defence activities,
    • invitation and allocation of lay judges as well as calculation of compensations to the lay judges,
    • activities related to the appointment of court interpreters and experts, and keeping records of them,
    • establishing of telephone connections, receiving of fax messages,
    • keeping records of persons received by the president of the court,
    • handling of copiers and copied materials,
    • court courier activities,
    • cleaning of the courthouse activities,
    • other activities which by its nature fall within the scope of this department.
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